The Netherlands

Let’s Gro

Let’s Gro is an inspiration festival about the future of the City and its surroundings. Thinking and dreaming together about what the future of Groningen could be like and showing each other what is already happening in Groningen and what we can achieve together in the near future. Groningen is bursting with good initiatives and innovations, and the potential is many times greater. During Let’s Gro we collect all the good ideas for the future. We hope that there will be good applicable ideas that will help the Groningen region to build a prosperous future from an economic, social or cultural point of view.

Grootste Kennisfestival van Noord Nederland

The Largest Knowledge Festival in the Northern Netherlands is a major event with the content of a conference, but in the atmosphere of a festival. There are lectures, sessions and workshops on innovation, combined with nice bands, theater, art and good food and drinks.


Maakplek is a place of manufacture, where you can cook, woodwork, metalwork , work on textile, electronics, rapid prototyping, design, code etc..

Hashtag Workmode

Hashtag Workmode has become the place for enterprising women who want to develop into smart and powerful entrepreneurs. Hashtag Workmode offer all-female co-working spaces with locations in Amsterdam, Utrecht, Rotterdam and Groningen.

Het Kwadraat

A collective business building that offers space for start-ups, scale-ups and grown-ups.

Het Nieuwe Kantoor

HNK is a concept with workplaces, office spaces and many services for both freelancers and multinationals. A warm environment where flexibility and full service have a new meaning, so that everyone can (network) work.

Het Nieuwe Kasteel

Kasteel.gro, the new castle, is a breeding ground, a playground and a workshop for digital craftsmanship. Training, education, masterclasses, hackathons and conferences make the combination between working and learning.

Impact Noord

Impact Noord is an active and involved network of more than 50 impact entrepreneurs from Groningen, Friesland and Drenthe. The association strengthens the ecosystem for impact entrepreneurs together with the business community, educational institutions and governments, by organizing activities and events, but also by increasing the network and visibility in the market and with governments.



Indietopia is a game development hub in the Netherlands, sporting over 25 Game Development Studios and related companies. Indietopia gears towards the following goals: connecting indies; helping indies grow from startup to professional studio; creating visibility under the Indietopia label; providing affordable office space for developers; providing one professional agent for serious game customers; publishing of entertainment and serious games; giving workshops with serious gaming at its core.