The Netherlands

NoordZ Groningen

NOORDZ brings professionals together on the B2B platform of the North of the Netherlands, where independent professional journalism focusing on current business themes comes together with stories and content from the heart of the region.

Ondernemend Assen

Ondernemend Assen offers members a platform for mutual meeting and business, knowledge sharing and joint procurement of products and services.

Ondernemend Coevorden

Is a network of companies located in the municipality of Coevorden and the cross-border industrial park Europark.

Ondernemend Emmen

Their activities focus on technology & industry, international business, knowledge sharing, networking, park management and stimulating the local economy in the broadest sense of the word.

Ondernemend Hoogeveen

is a network of entrepreneurs located in Hoogeveen.

Ondernemers contact Noordenveld

Business area / network / entrepreneurial fund / platform


Entrepreneur media

Ondernemerskring Emmen (OKE)

meeting platform for Business-to-Business entrepreneurs active in industry and technology on the Emmense business parks; Bargermeer, Waanderveld, EMMTEC Industry & Businesspark, A37, De Tweeling, De Vierslagen and Pollux.

Provincie Drenthe


Rabobank Emmen-Coevorden

Rabobank finances through applications and programs such as Incentive Capital, Rabo Participations, MGF, Rabo Real Estate Finance, Innovation Loan, Crowdfunding, Rabo & Crowd, Qredits, Money Meets Ideas, Rabo Meet & Grow.