The Netherlands

The Big Bang

The Falling Walls Lab Groningen

The Falling Walls Lab is an international forum, which aims to build bridges between business, politics, academia and the arts hosted by the Falling Walls Foundation – a non-profit organization in Berlin, offering a unique international platform for leaders from the worlds of science, business and politics, the arts and society. All participants get the opportunity to present their research work, business model or initiative with peers and a distinguished jury – in 3 minutes each.

The Rock

The Rock is an office space with rental units.


R&D Hotel

An inspiring environment where, among other things, work is being done on an intelligent care robot, where scientifically proven courses for the promotion of self-management & well-being are developed, where a platform for innovative cooperation with China is being developed, where various games are being developed with regard to fall prevention, where work is being done on smart blood transfusions aimed at quality control and blood saving and where Siemens has opened an official branch to look at innovations in the field of imaging techniques together with the UMCG.

Refresh Groningen

The goal of Refresh Groningen is to inspire each other and help us grow as designers and front-end developers. But the most important thing is to bring these people together.

Rio Lab

RIOLab is located at the Energy Transition Center (EnTranCe) on the Zernike Campus Groningen. It offers working spaces where thousands of students and workers can go every day.

RUG Houdstermaatschappij

RUG Houdstermaatschappij BV (RHM) helps to launch knowledge-intensive companies by bringing scientific research results to the market.RHM supports scientists in the process of starting a business.

Screw up

Screw Up helps organizations and teams that want to innovate and get people moving. We break the taboo on making mistakes, make mistakes open to discussion and provide concrete tools with which you and your colleagues learn to deal better with things that go wrong.


SMC050 is an initiative to bring together companies, experts and newcomers in the field of social media and technological trends in the region. The aim of SMC050 is to exchange knowledge, to keep up to date and to learn from the latest developments.