The Netherlands

R&D Hotel

An inspiring environment where, among other things, work is being done on an intelligent care robot, where scientifically proven courses for the promotion of self-management & well-being are developed, where a platform for innovative cooperation with China is being developed, where various games are being developed with regard to fall prevention, where work is being done on smart blood transfusions aimed at quality control and blood saving and where Siemens has opened an official branch to look at innovations in the field of imaging techniques together with the UMCG.

Refresh Groningen

The goal of Refresh Groningen is to inspire each other and help us grow as designers and front-end developers. But the most important thing is to bring these people together.


Jet-Stream is the award winning streaming platform for leading broadcasters, publishers, sports clubs, events, studios, advertising agencies, video producers and brands.

Jonge Commerciele Club

The JCC is a close-knit and active network organization for ‘young professionals’ in the city and region of Groningen. Her goal is to bring young and ambitious people from the city and region of Groningen into contact with each other and with the business community or (semi-) governments.

Jonge Ondernemersprijs (JOP)

The JOP offers a platform for this group of young and successful entrepreneurs. We are convinced that by offering these people and the organizations they represent a stage, this has an inspiring effect on the whole of the Northern Netherlands.

Groningen Seaports / Chemport

Chemport is the incubator for green chemistry. It meets all the conditions that enable the sustainable chemistry of the future to develop and flourish.

Launch Cafe

We started the cafe because we ourselves were desperately looking for a place that inspires, where you can meet new people, where there are opportunities for your business, where you don’t have to sign a choking contract, where everything is arranged and where you can work with fun.

Groningse Ondernemers challenge (social)

Let’s Gro

Let’s Gro is an inspiration festival about the future of the City and its surroundings. Thinking and dreaming together about what the future of Groningen could be like and showing each other what is already happening in Groningen and what we can achieve together in the near future. Groningen is bursting with good initiatives and innovations, and the potential is many times greater. During Let’s Gro we collect all the good ideas for the future. We hope that there will be good applicable ideas that will help the Groningen region to build a prosperous future from an economic, social or cultural point of view.

Grootste Kennisfestival van Noord Nederland

The Largest Knowledge Festival in the Northern Netherlands is a major event with the content of a conference, but in the atmosphere of a festival. There are lectures, sessions and workshops on innovation, combined with nice bands, theater, art and good food and drinks.