Gründungs- und Innovationszentrum (GIZ)

The Startup and Innovation Center of the University of Oldenburg (GIZ) is a central contact point for students, researchers and employees from universities all over north-western Germany, who are interested in starting their own business.


The “Unternehmensplanspiel” is a multi-day business game. It comprises the full business development process from brainstorming to financing and leading the startup after founding it.


The “Innovationspreis” is a yearly award for innovative startups in Niedersachsen by the “Innovationsnetzwerk Niedersachsen”. One winner is honored within the categories vision, cooperation and economy.


The “Innovation(s)werkstatt” by the Innovative Hochschule Jade-Oldenburg is a location to develop innovative ideas. It offers an open metal workshop, a co-working space and several creative seminars.

Zukunft[s]unternehmen Nordwest

This event is organised to support the collaboration of entrepreneurs and scientists. Each event is lead by a future-driven question which will be discussed.

Design Thinking

Design Thinking is a method to open up for and develop innovative ideas. This event is presented by the Innovation(s)werkstatt of the Innovative Hochschule Jade-Oldenburg.


The monthly event “Gründer[space]” invites all startups and interested people to network casually in varying locations.

Innovation meets money

At the event “Innovation meets Money” startup teams get informed about possible financing and funding possibilities.

Start-up Pitch Night Oldenburg

The Start-up Pitch Night Oldenburg is a networking event. Startups pitch their ideas to a jury and will get valuable feedback. All participants are invited to network after the pitches.


At the “Prototypenparty” ten prototypes are presented by their developer and guests are invited to test these prototypes and give feedback for improvements.

Entrepreneurship School

During the multi-day event, business ideas are drafted by several teams. The business models are developed based on the business model canvas and pitched in front of a jury.

Gründerpreis Nordwest

The Northwest Start-up award has been awarded since 2014 for startups in the Northwest wiithin the last 65years. It is an award for small and large start-ups in Northwest Germany. Everyone who has founded or taken over a company in the last 5 years can apply, regardless of the line of business and legal form.

Start-up weekend 2020 Emden

The Start-up weekend brings together students, pupils and career changers with different skills and backgrounds. Organisational talents, techies, business types, creative an marketing experts form teams and achieve more together. Anyone who wants to can present a business idea at the beginning, around which the teams are then formed. During the weekend, the team validate the ideas, develop them further and create a prototype with the support of mentors.The best team are awarded prizes and sponsorship awards to pursue their ideas.

Landkreis Leer

District of Leer Capital, Expertise, Network

Stadt Emden

Municipality of Emden

Wirtschaftsförderkreis Harlingerland e.V.

Wirtschaftsförderkreis Harlingerland e.V. is a public institution which provides information, advice and support on economic issues relating to the region. Expertise, Network and Support.