The power of start-ups in the Ems-Dollart-region

When we think of start-ups, Silicon Valley and our own Randstad are the areas that most come to mind. However, they can also be found even closer to home. The ‘Startup Ems-Dollart-region’ project demonstrates the many possibilities for start-ups in the northern Netherlands and north-western Germany. For instance Diederich Bakker, professor of International Business at Hanze UAS, lives in Germany but works in Groningen. Within this cross-border project, he combines the best of both worlds. As a result that links to the power of start-ups in the Ems-Dollart-region.

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We tend to associate start-ups with Silicon Valley in the USA or our own Randstad region a little closer to home.

However, start-ups are everywhere these days. The ‘Startup Ems-Dollart-region’ project highlights the potential of the Northern Netherlands and Northwest Germany. Hanze UAS professor of International Business Diederich Bakker lives in Germany and works in Groningen, the Netherlands. In other words it combines the best of both worlds in this cross-border project. Are you interested in reading more of the article? Click one of the two links below to view the complete version of the article in English or German.