
VentureLab Weekend

VentureLab Weekend is a 3-day-long event, where aspiring entrepreneurs can find out if their startup ideas are viable.

Just Ventures GmbH

Venture capital

Pharma Connect Capital

Pharma Connect Capital invests in startup companies located in Groningen, Friesland & Drenthe with a mission to develop new drugs, drug delivery technologies, biomarkers or diagnostics.

R&D Hotel

An inspiring environment where, among other things, work is being done on an intelligent care robot, where scientifically proven courses for the promotion of self-management & well-being are developed, where a platform for innovative cooperation with China is being developed, where various games are being developed with regard to fall prevention, where work is being done on smart blood transfusions aimed at quality control and blood saving and where Siemens has opened an official branch to look at innovations in the field of imaging techniques together with the UMCG.


Odyssey is a non-profit online incubator for multi-stakeholder collaboration that connects governmental, corporate, scientific and nonprofit partners with anyone that can contribute to building open source solutions for complex 21st-century challenges. Together, we create an interconnected, multi-stakeholder ecosystem where we discover the future by building it.

Economic Board Groningen

Entrepreneurs can contact them for money, advice and assistance. They offer future-oriented teaching packages for education. They help promising sectors of construction, 5G, ICT, tourism and green chemistry & energy to grow further.

Flinc Groningen

Flinc connects innovative entrepreneurship and Startups with the capitalmarket and supports innovative startups with financing issues.

G.J. Smid Fonds

The foundation’s objective is to support innovative developments in the industrial and craft sectors in order to promote and improve business activities and employment in the Northern Netherlands region, as well as to do all that is related to or may be conducive to the above in the broadest sense of the word.

G-Force Capital

G-Force invests in young companies where ‘Digital’ is the heart of the business concept through the ideas generation in their Startup Studio.

Groningen @ Work

To strengthen the region economically and thus help as many Groningen residents as possible find work. That is the goal of Groningen @ Work , the program for the economy and labor market of the province of Groningen 2020-2023.